Q&A with Arnaud Pascolo

Here some questions answered what I get. on a reqular basis.

How is the book writing going?

I recently heard someone say that you are not really a writer but more a kind of re-writer. I now find out that I indeed spend most of my time rewriting the things I wrote sofar. Either because the flow is not right, I do not like the story line, the Point Of Vieew is not right or simply because I find spelling mistakes. With every re-read you find new things to rewrite.

What is it like to write a book?

It is a fascinating process. You have to worry about things you sofar never worried about. How to write proper dialogs, with proper usage of quotes. How to ensure thee reader can follow who is talking with out having to add that to every time one of the characters talks. To decide in what Point Of View you write the chapter. In what tense. Do you fully write numbers of not? So many things you would normally never think about. All good stuff.

How auto biographic is the book?

The best advice I read is that with your first books you should try to stay as close as possible to what you know. Writing what you know is research you already did. That said, there are various topics I need to spend more time to do research in order to make the story credible.

What type of book is it?

I’m still struggling to decide what to call it. When I say it is a romantic comedy it quickly gets cornered as being a book writtern for women, but that is not the case. In the book I will touch many business conversations – that is what I know – and technologies like Block Chain. Not typical female story lines, That said there is a main romantic story line with lots of confusion. Just hope it appeals to everyone.

For the moment I would call it a BizRomCom! Let’s see if I can make that a new genre!

What is the target audience?

I see it as a book for everyone but I guess it would be most appreciated by male and female readers who have a business mindset. If you are looking for a sweet rmontic story you probably will be disapponted.

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